2 May 2014

Reading Challenge - April Update

I apologise for this being a couple of days late, but I have been doing exciting work type activities and have had no time or internet access! I did attempt to blog from my phone, but it just wasn't happening for me!

I have really enjoyed this months reading, mainly because I've been working my way through the end of a series I started last year and seriously enjoyed. I read the final three books and am now slightly bereft there are no more to get through. 

I do think its better for a series of books to end before it becomes tedious though. But, if you like YA fiction, I thoroughly recommend the Soulkeepers series by G.P. Ching which is pretty reasonably priced on Kindle. 

My Reading Challenge book for this month was Wonder by R.J. Palacio. I adored this. I read it in pretty much one sitting. I loved all the characters and how they were all given their own voice within the story and it is genuinely one of the first books I ended by crying great big, fat tears of happiness. It is so lovely and so heartwarming. I recommend everyone to read this at least once in their life. 

But be warned, it is hard to read in places. August, the main character, faces some pretty huge hurdles in his life. I cried big, sad tears at certain points, too. I also laughed out loud and got incredibly emotionally involved with so much of it. Brilliant book, brilliant. 

The full list of books I read this month is:

1. Wonder by R.J. Palacio ~ 31/3/14 - 1/4/14
2. Divergent by Veronica Roth ~ 6/4/14 - 7/4/14
3. Soul Catcher by G.P. Ching ~ 18/4/14 - 19/4/14
4. Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman ~ 19/4/14 - 21/4/14
5. The Time Machine by H.G. Wells ~ 19/3/14 - 21/4/14
6. Lost Eden by G.P. Ching ~ 21/4/14 - 23/4/14
7. The Quiet Gentleman by Georgette Heyer ~ 19/3/14 - 25/4/14
8. Coraline by Neil Gaiman ~ 25/4/14 - 28/4/14
9. The Last Soulkeeper by G.P. Ching ~ 28/4/14 - 29/4/14

This month's Heyer was leftover from March and was called The Quiet Gentleman. I think this was the sweetest I've read so far and I also enjoyed the attempted murder plot. I am completely glad I decided to read these Heyer books alongside the challenge as it has been a lot of fun so far. I have borrowed this months Heyer from mother and am looking forward to getting started on it.

I have so many things to share with you all, but you'll have to wait a little longer! 

This challenge was inspired by the Books are Amazing posts on the fab essbeevee's blog :)

Love, Pearl.

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